I wrote this prayer for my ethics class in seminary. With stories I’ve heard in the past two days, and the children’s lives I lead in my own house, I offer it as a reminder to myself and a possible resource for others. While we won’t ever be perfect as parents, we can always pray.
An Ethics Prayer for Kids
Child, Sweet child,
I love you, its true.
May your life be filled with love each day,
Some you keep, and lots you give away.
With Jesus in your heart,
there’s love in every part
With care in your hands,
Help others, heal lands.
With Holy Spirit in your head,
think wisely, carefully led
With movement in your feet,
Share good news with all you meet
With strong and helpful arms,
Carry burdens, stop the harms.
With your mouth, say what’s true,
Accept those who are different than you.
Child, Sweet child,
I love you, its true.
May your life be filled with love each day
Some you keep and lots you give away.