I have been crying and complaining and being overwhelmed more often than I’d like to be lately. I can pass most of the blame off on pregnancy hormones and emotional tasks such as: discussing big financial issues for our family’s small budget, registering my son for kindergarten, having my “baby” turn 4, and in general not getting restful sleep.
I don’t want to live stuck in tears, fears, and anxiety. I want to accept Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28-30. As penned in The Message it reads:
28-30“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Freely and lightly…ahhhh. Doesn’t that sound nice?
I think one step towards light and free living, towards hope and love and peace outside of my circumstances, is practicing daily gratitude. Reminding myself of what and whom I have been given, what I get to see, the places and people I am a part of, and the grace that permeates through my life.
So begins my short list of the innumerable blessings for which I am grateful…in no particular order…
-the ability to get pregnant and bear children
-my husband- specifically right now because of his ability to think big picture and play wholeheartedly
-Andi who turned 4 yesterday and her free spirit that leads her to sing, dance, make faces, flip upside down, and care very little- most of the time- what others think of her
-Eli who cares deeply about people and relationships, who has a brain that remembers everything, who cannot sit still and uses that energy to engage life so fully
-friends who share their swimming pools
-that my kids really enjoy swimming and are brave and adventurous in the water
-my opportunities to have traveled to different parts of Europe and Central America and now for the chance to stay mostly home
-living close to people I love
-chances to get to the people I love that live far away because of good flight deals, a work trip to CO, or carpooling with the Bruces!
-a deck that is shaded by a big tree
-summer assignments at Castaway
-when Eli calls me Mommy
-getting to work out at Crossfit Northland
-living in a state that has all 4 seasons
-my church – Jacob’s Well
-working cars
-our house (yep, it makes the list, despite its smallness and its termites and its foundation cracks- I really am grateful we live here, now)
-the recent “invention” of (or my delayed appreciation for) Greek yogurt. Sooo much better than the regular stuff!
-sweet smelling flowers outside
-trails to hike and bike around my house
-family and friends who love and care for our kids
-deep breathing
Shoot…out of time…all for now. Feeling free and light and ready to go.
I’m grateful for you reading this 🙂