I’m a very lucky woman to have 2 moms and 2 grandmas- all alive to celebrate and be celebrated on this 2012 Mother’s Day. This blog is for you Mom, Gayle, Grammy, and Grandma. I love you and here is a very brief, eclectic, and spontaneous explanation of why!
Mom, April:
- You were overjoyed that I was born
- You would rather play and pay attention to us as kids than do anything else: work, housework, or h
ang out with your friends- but still managed to keep a healthy balance as a working adult with good friends and a hospitable house!
- You pack a great cooler and made camping trips full of good food- biscuits and gravy, spaghetti, cookies for dessert etc, etc..
- You were the last one out the door on the way to church- we would all sit in the car and wait while you curled your hair- unfortunately it took me 17 years to realize it was because you had worked hard to feed everyone else and get our hair curled and left yourself for last.
- You make signs to welcome us home or to celebrate our weddings or graduations
- You allowed us to choose our own friends and gave us the foundation of morals and confidence to make decisions in navigating the trenches of adolescent social life
- You cooked dinner 6 nights a week even when we complained it was “Roast again?!” or “We don’t like these potatoes” and always made homemade cookies.
- You came to Kansas City and helped me in the tender first hours and exhausting and life shaking first weeks of both of my kids’ lives
- You listen to me and love and support me no matter what
My mother-in-law, Gayle:
- You welcomed me into your family when I was a stranger
- You keep track of everything and have supplied me or my kids with a graduation cap and gown, a sombrero, a Space Jam CD, a flashlight and much more when we needed it.
- You are patient and positive
- You have always given your kids a united and friendship filled relationship with your husband- providing the security and stable love in which your boys grew up
- You show up to cheer your kids on- even me at my half-marathons and seminary graduation and still now your grown boys’ coaching jobs and adult tennis leagues
- You love fly-overs, dark chocolate with caramel, cotton candy, and the circus and make adventures happen for my kids weekly
- You’ve allowed me to go to school and work by providing a safe, fun, and generous tradition of Monday GG Days
- You took Drew out on a Valentine’s Day date in college when I was crushing on him and completely scared me into thinking he had a girlfriend already- instead I found out he had a loving mom who would invite me on the Valentine’s Day lunch date a year later!
My Grammy, Dee:
- You introduced me to ramekins- the small dishes that make applesauce, cooking prep, and butter table presentation pure bliss
- You have a positive attitude, a curious spirit, and a desire to truly learn about people that made many of my friends feel special when they met you
- You cheered me on and showed up to all three of my long graduation ceremonies!!
- You have a great sense of style, are a very classy and beautiful woman
- You made family gatherings beautiful with your attention to table presentations, homegrown flower arrangements, and centerpieces- you hosted special brunches and gatherings all through my life.
- Despite the antiques, breakables, and beautiful things in your neat home- we 9 grand-children have always been free to play, explore, and manipulate the knick-knacks- and along the way, we’ve somehow learned to respect and take care with beautiful things!
- You are strong and will not be slowed down- we have fun playing tennis, cards, croquet or farkle with you still today despite tough heart and lung struggles and your 80 plus years of age!
- You love my mom well
My Grandma, Marion:
- For the special memory I have of my solo airplane ride to visit you and Gpa in San Jose when I was 6 years old. For our time at the mall together shopping for Swatch watches and my California Raisin diary and for the
kind way you tried to help me fix my hair which was difficult for a mom of 2 buzz-cut boys.
- For the traditions you introduced and carefully upheld for our family- Swedish Christmas meals, Swedish decorations and prayers, having a guest book, the importance of family reunions, and reading the Bible story aloud before we open presents
- You took my Dad camping which led to his taking me camping which has led to me taking my family camping and lots of wonderful memories from every trip. You bravely took 3 and 4 grandkids on camping trips in your late 60’s and survived our bringing 100’s of moths into your clean camper with grace!
- You played with us (Rummikub and hide the red truck) and have always been ready to have toys ready for my kids at your house
- You pray for me and write back to my prayer e-mails supporting my calling to ministry and reminding me that I’m blessed to be a blessing
- You have demonstrated faith, trust and strength in the last 10 years that show me how great and trustworthy God is
What a fun way to think of you and how much my mothering is inspired and influenced by the mothering and grandmothering you have given to me! Love you all!