May 18- May 31st.
I don’t have much time or soul to write more than list. The days are full and the blessing innumerable. On the other hand, there is some fatigue and sadness that simmers and sometimes bubbles over.
In the past two weeks…
- We hosted a field day on the Terrace with distance and sanitizing and a gorgeous May day.
- We recorded some virtual content for our church’s elementary kids. With the team, “Flipping out” we recorded trampoline flips, laptop flips, book page flips and some recitation of Philippians 2. Drew and I taught about Jesus’ ascension and the Spirit’s presence.
- We finished school. The last day was, Friday May
22nd. The laptops went back to school and we picked up locker content. Thank you, school personnel, for packing up carefully and making sure there was closure through online award ceremonies, team Zoom chats, and a classroom goodbye.
- We celebrated a lot of family the last week of May: Aria, Wilson, James, Kimberley, Gayle and Steve, and finally Crosby’s big #1! Binny and Bonnie too. To “mail it in” is no longer a cop-out but a great privilege in celebrating. We got to drive by and drop off love for some and did enjoy a BBQ feast on the deck for James, complete with an amazing Task Master competition. Thank you Laura.
- Our kids got to sleepover with Geeg and Pops so Drew and I basked in the quiet and enjoyed the heck out of each other and some Indian food.
- The uncertainty and disruption of the pandemic took a backseat to the destructive and devastating effects of racism and division. The creation groans and fractures. God’s presence surely fills the deepest despair, but not until the mourning, grief, and anger is felt and heard. We are filled up with sorrow and
hold onto hope and want to do something.
- On the last day of May, we went to an outdoor wedding for a YL kid from Park Hill 2008 and a gym friend from 2019. It felt good to celebrate and show up but the questions of what’s socially appropriate or responsible are ever so muddled.
- Today was the first day of swim practice and our summer “schedule”.
Signing off with my third day of pesky heartburn (see bullet 5 above, the Indian food?), the sun shining brightly, and half of our neighbors tree in our backyard (see bullet number 6 above…fractures and fallout and what do we do now..)
Peace. Please peace.