One more major recommendation…Books for Being Better

Thanks for reading last week and sending some recommendations my way. Image result for our dad is not mad reclaim


I’d like to add one more recommendation which is also an invitation.

In the course of the last year and a half, I co-authored, edited, and shared in the writing of four small books about our identity in Christ as a key to health and wholeness.

My aunt is the lead author and gave me the great invitation to come into the writing world with her on these self-help sort of books. We were looking to lead people into a healthier understanding of God, self, and freedom.

Each book has an element of reclamation in it’s title and message. The ministry behind the books is called Reclaim Ministries. To “reclaim” is to take back something lost or stolen or to rescue from an undesirable state.

The books are easy to read and built with questions for self or group reflection. The books include action steps to put what you read into practice.

Please check out these books and find their messages could lead you to hope, healing, freedom, faith, joy, love and peace.

Image result for our dad is not mad reclaim

See much more about the Reclaim ministry and each of the books in the “You Were Meant for More” series here.

I am most excited about the third book, Our Dad is Not Mad because of it’s healing and hopeful reminder that God is not angry or judgmental, but bent on pursuit and invitation, participation and love with all people.

Here are the specific links to the books.

Our Dad is Not Mad Softcover book

Our Dad is Not Mad Ebook

If you live close to me in KC, I have copies on hand for $10. Just let me know!

Thanks for the shameless self-promotion day here on  I share in hopes they will be blessed to be a blessing to you!




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