A short bit about “short-on-time” tips!

Back CameraFall brings invitations to new adventures, obligations, commitments, and friends. I welcome the rhythm of new beginnings and a bit of starting over, mixed with a return to the familiar and routine.

As we approach the end of our summer (as in, “It’s not Labor Day yet!”), we still have major moments to check off the list: Drew is heading to Las Vegas this weekend, I’m going to attempt to stain paneled walls, and finally, most momentous, we’re all five flying to Seattle for a wonderful wedding for my cousin Bonnie, and the opportunity to meet my sweet new niece Vienna for the first time!

Like everyone, I feel there is a lot to do and a little bit of time.

Here I write to myself (and you) some of the best and simple advice I have on time stewardship– in short snippets because we’re all busy:

  • If you only have five minutes, think, “What can I finish?” never, “What can I start?”
  • Plan your work, then work your plan
  • The goal is not balance but living out good priorities
  • Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least
  • I cannot manage time- time is a gift. I can only manage myself within time.
  • There is real freedom in life-giving limits!
  • I literally cannot do more than one thing at a time. When I try, one thing is suffering from a lack of full attention.
  • There are lots of good things out there I could do…but I only want to do the best (for me) things.
  • Time flies

That last one is easy to say and very true. So…what do we do?

Maybe this?

  • Live right where we are as much as possible.
  • Realize order, structure, and schedules are nothing but vehicles for our life in Christ lived out ON PURPOSE, with priorities, alongside other people. 


I’ll end with a centering prayer I learned from my friend Jim Gordon- pastor at Pine Ridge Pres here in KC.

Let’s pray it out loud and move on with the day.

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am

Be still and know that

Be still and know

Be still and

Be still



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