Drew and I spent an epic month of September enjoying each other and the space and pace of our family before the major change of baby #3!
September 1- Labor Day weekend- we are usually in Colorado riding the ancient roller coasters of Lakeside for 10 cents ride ticket. Alas, an August trip to Colorado and the baby’s due date kept us in MO this year. We spent the weekend as a family and with family. Last swims of the season dinners with friends and family, a visit from my friend Lauren Payton, and a relaxing double date with Laura and James.
September 8- Drew and I went on a date courtesy of my friend/neighbor/employer Kim. I let Kim’s dog out daily for a potty break and she sometimes trades childcare for the dog-care. This night we had the sitter before we had a date night plan. We ended up at Dance in the Park at Roanoke Park in Midtown. We were invited by my friend Katie who dances with City in Motion. It was a great experience for us to see so much talent, art, passion, and movement that spoke messages. The night humbled us, reminded us of the myriad of art out there that we often miss/ignore. We dined late night at Blanc Burgers and Bottles- always wonderful.
September 15th- Kim was the sitter again and we headed out to celebrate Crossfit Northland’s one year birthday! We have loved our year of getting buff (mostly Drew), making friends, setting goals, enjoying fitness, and gaining some mental sanity (mostly for Linds). We celebrated at Kelso’s in Northtown. I was happy to pull out the pregnancy jeans and enjoy a cooler evening among adults.
September 21-23rd- A whole weekend of wonderful! We got away together for our much anticipated “Babymoon“. We recognize this is not a given for a couple having their third child but we were intentional, hopeful, grateful, and insistent that it was something important for us to do. GG and Poppy kindly offered to keep Eli and Andi for the whole weekend! We booked a stay at Peaceful Valley/the Burnham residence, in St Joseph, MO. When I was on YL staff in Savannah I met Janeen Burnham who led Young Life and made many disciples by loving kids for 30 years. She’s still doing relational ministry in a variety of non-titled ways today. As a 22 year old, she welcomed me into her flock and taught me how to make good food and choose the right size of plastic storage container. She altered my wedding dress in her studio- the room in which she crafts with fabric, paints, flowers, or words. Being in her home is a delight to the senses- smells of good soaps, warmth from the decor, comfort from the furniture, and artistic thoughtfulness in every corner.
Before heading to the Burnhams, we went to the Plaza Art Fair– once again seeing what ot
hers can do and appreciating the beauty, creativity, detail, boldness, and vulnerability of artists. We also saw and enjoyed good food and the throng of
a great Kansas City crowd! Our time in Peaceful Valley at the house was all it was meant to be. We sought connection, conversation, and relaxation! We were able to read books and fall asleep in the afternoon, eat slow, delicious meals outside on the deck, hike and walk lots, enjoy the absolute beauty of the place, and talk, pray, and connect about our new baby, Drew’s job, our marriage, old memories and new dreams. We were soooo relaxed. We enjoyed each other and the time away sooo much.
September 25th- A Tuesday night. Drew bought tickets to the Head and the Heart concert in June for the show which just happened to be happening during my 39th week of pregnancy! Alas, no baby yet so we went to dinner with good friends and then the show. We sat up in the balcony at the Uptown theater- standing wasn’t going to happen for me at this show! The band had great energy, range, stage presence, and once again, talent. They were easy to sing along with and we enjoyed getting lost in profound and powerful moments. A night good for the head and the heart for sure.
September 29th– The last Saturday in September would have been a fine day to have a baby but alas, still no, which is fine, mostly…. Saturday afternoon, I went to William Jewell’s Homecoming activities in honor of my 10th reunion of my college graduation! 10 years?!
Mostly, we got to have a fun day and weekend reconnecting with Adam and Mary Kate Osborne who returned from a 7 month adventure in South America- Bolivia mostly. We were gracious recipients of Osborne hospitality, generosity, and ate often and well! Adam and Mary Kate came back (tan) and full of joy and life for having seen the world together, helped people fight parasites with knowledge and care, and challenging themselves to leave comfort and enter the language, the villages, the jungles, the illnesses, and the beauty of such a different part of God’s great world.
It’s October now so…Come on Baby Booyah! We are relaxed and ready, excited and prepared, and cannot wait to hold you, meet you, know you and welcome you!